Ramblings of a Convicted Half-wit

An online journal that (b)logs the incessant insignificants that pass through sq's gray matter every day. Pick up the pieces and make out the puzzle.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Dear diary,

Been wanting to get out into the sun more, promised my friends for basketball later today and realised I forgot about this important HPAIR conference tomorrow I'm supposed to cover.

That's life for you. Sun + Sweat + Tan + Basketball => Stale airconditioning + Redtape + Jostling + Seminars I wouldn't half understand. Funny how things can turn out the complete opposite of what you're expecting.

Also bought too many things in too short a time. Still reeling from the aftermath. Can't say I regret though, they were good and useful purchases. At least for now.

School's starting soon too. Ergh.


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