Ramblings of a Convicted Half-wit

An online journal that (b)logs the incessant insignificants that pass through sq's gray matter every day. Pick up the pieces and make out the puzzle.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Oh what is love,

But a clever little pantomime?
Garbed equally in brilliant motley
Or black and white rhyme.
A portrait of unsullied glee,
Yet palpable and culpable
Of dastardly connivance and tragedy.
Clever twit delightfully bilingual
In both silence and playful revelry.

Weaving stories and worlds
From expansive nothingness
For the imagineless mind but unfurls
A landscape of richness.
Addled trickster nary a stand.
Content a truthful phoney.
Oh what is love then,
But a beautiful irony?

- sq

Anyone can help me fill up the last two lines? Open to all! Winner gets nothing, except a footnote to say that the two lines are written by you. Haha!

* Too late. I filled them out.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Dear diary,

I'm 22. Whee.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Dear diary,

I can't believe it's already mid-Jan. What happened to Christmas? New Year? How can they already fade from my memory when I've barely had the time to take them in? I hadn't even penned down my 2006 resolutions(although everyone knows they never worked) yet! Do resolutions still count when they have already missed that opportune moment? It isn't really fair you know. Who has time to think about resolutions amidst the festive frenzy, and no, I wasn't asking you, you atelophobic control freak.

To be on the safe side, I've decided to name these "birthday resolutions" instead. Let it be known to the authority on resolutions that I was never late. And to those who didn't know my birthday was coming, you shouldn't even be reading this in the first place. Sod off.

Birthday Resolutions:

1. Get GPA of 3.6
2. Read and understand at least 1 book on philosophy.
3. Get the piano tuned and start banging the ivories again, albeit single-handedly.
4. Get my personal page up and running again.
5. Accumulate savings of 4 digits, decimals excluded.
6. Write more.
7. Exercise.
8. Learn to draw.
9. Be creative!
10. Think critically.

So there you have it. My top ten list. I probably have more than 10 things to change about myself, but it seems that ten is the universally defined standard of importance. Sometimes you wonder who started this convention in the first place. Can you imagine the plethora of ideas and priorities disregarded just to fit into this stupid mould? We'd be living on Mars by now if some NASA director hadn't said "Sorry Ben, that idea's gotta go. We've ten things on our list now. That's all we can take. It has always been this way." For all you know the inventor just loved the number 10. Maybe his birthday lies on the 10th. A person's birthday changes the course of history and mankind.
