Week 1 - Sunday
Dear diary,
I know I hadn't addressed you in a while. My apologies, though not half as guilty. I don't have very much to say to you frankly - it's already weird enough that I'm talking to an inanimate object, but the reason why I've decided on an entry today's, well, simple. I felt like writing.
There are times when you have the urge to do something. Everyone does. Like eat a cake. Or kiss someone. Probably break the law even. Well, I have an urge now. To write. Not an intense lewd oh-give-it-to-me that's gonna tear out of you any moment. It's a tingly, nagging little urge that wouldn't seem to go away even after you took a bath, bbq-ed, sang birthday songs and horsed around. At least for me it didn't.
Before I begin, you might be wondering what's with the title. Week 1? Of what. That is of little importance. It was merely "Week 1" for simplicity's sake. Week 1 would be the 1st week that I start writing. Think of it as a rudimentary counter. I'm not bold enough to stake claim in a first week dedicated to the opening of my blog you know.
First feeling of the day - Boredom. A petty little disease that afflicts people once too often. I now know why people had to "battle boredom"; you'd be surprised how much effort was needed to get rid of the bugger. Waking up, I lumber around my living room, looking for things to do. Instinctly, I switched on my computer. Not that there were many options anyway. Started up a game called "Rome - Total War". Sounds pretty impressive huh. The game promises "epic real-time warfare, empire building, politics and treachery...", wow. I think they hired Terry Pratchett for the foreword. So, the game starts. Not bad at all, despite not living up to its fantastic premise. The soundtracks were carefully orchestrated to represent the different settings and moods, and the battle scenes are created with realism in mind. The gameplay's not a problem for me. *Destroy them! Charge! Attack!* What do you know, I've fifteen territories before you know it. Easy, if you don't discount the fact that I keep cheating. Money's no object, as I always say. Come on, it's just a game. If you didn't have absolute power and bijillions of moola, why bother. It's meant to be fantasy in the first place, isn't it.
Okay, I've wasted an entire morning and half of the afternoon living a life of arms and bloodshed. Shit. I'm supposed to be studying for my advanced driving theory test that's coming up in 2 days. Control yourself you wastrel! Picking a comfortable and conducive place to study, I began to furiously devour the pages, one by one. Depress the braking pedal, while slowly releasing the accelerator. They make driving sound like nuclear science I tell you. Soon my mental capabilities were maxed, and the inevitable happened. I fell asleep. Bed was a bad pick.
Waking up, it's 5 pm. Had to be honest with myself. I can't absorb anything at all. My brain's kinda like a non-porous sponge; soft, mushy and effectively useless. Switching on the computer again, this time with a new purpose. To finish viewing the latest downloads of an anime "Naruto". Great anime, plenty of action and even some tear-jerking scenes. About some ninja story that would kill you if I tried to elaborate. Fast-forwarding, 6.30 pm. Argh! I'm late for Esmond's birthday bbq! Hmm, then again, what's new?
To cut things short, the bbq was well done. Not many food choices, but good enough for me. Uh oh, guilt-trip. I can practically feel the oil and grease crawling around in my gut and on my face, mocking my impending arterial blockage and acne outbreak. Still, it was fun. The cake was good, had rum or brandy inside. Pretty strong stuff. Wonder if anyone got drunk from eating too much cake. Oh well. Happy birthday Esmond! Thought it was nice to leave a hearty salutation on his special day.
I'm spent. The urge(to write) has finally waned to nothingness. Now is the time to sleep. So I shall.
Yours (not)always,
I know I hadn't addressed you in a while. My apologies, though not half as guilty. I don't have very much to say to you frankly - it's already weird enough that I'm talking to an inanimate object, but the reason why I've decided on an entry today's, well, simple. I felt like writing.
There are times when you have the urge to do something. Everyone does. Like eat a cake. Or kiss someone. Probably break the law even. Well, I have an urge now. To write. Not an intense lewd oh-give-it-to-me that's gonna tear out of you any moment. It's a tingly, nagging little urge that wouldn't seem to go away even after you took a bath, bbq-ed, sang birthday songs and horsed around. At least for me it didn't.
Before I begin, you might be wondering what's with the title. Week 1? Of what. That is of little importance. It was merely "Week 1" for simplicity's sake. Week 1 would be the 1st week that I start writing. Think of it as a rudimentary counter. I'm not bold enough to stake claim in a first week dedicated to the opening of my blog you know.
First feeling of the day - Boredom. A petty little disease that afflicts people once too often. I now know why people had to "battle boredom"; you'd be surprised how much effort was needed to get rid of the bugger. Waking up, I lumber around my living room, looking for things to do. Instinctly, I switched on my computer. Not that there were many options anyway. Started up a game called "Rome - Total War". Sounds pretty impressive huh. The game promises "epic real-time warfare, empire building, politics and treachery...", wow. I think they hired Terry Pratchett for the foreword. So, the game starts. Not bad at all, despite not living up to its fantastic premise. The soundtracks were carefully orchestrated to represent the different settings and moods, and the battle scenes are created with realism in mind. The gameplay's not a problem for me. *Destroy them! Charge! Attack!* What do you know, I've fifteen territories before you know it. Easy, if you don't discount the fact that I keep cheating. Money's no object, as I always say. Come on, it's just a game. If you didn't have absolute power and bijillions of moola, why bother. It's meant to be fantasy in the first place, isn't it.
Okay, I've wasted an entire morning and half of the afternoon living a life of arms and bloodshed. Shit. I'm supposed to be studying for my advanced driving theory test that's coming up in 2 days. Control yourself you wastrel! Picking a comfortable and conducive place to study, I began to furiously devour the pages, one by one. Depress the braking pedal, while slowly releasing the accelerator. They make driving sound like nuclear science I tell you. Soon my mental capabilities were maxed, and the inevitable happened. I fell asleep. Bed was a bad pick.
Waking up, it's 5 pm. Had to be honest with myself. I can't absorb anything at all. My brain's kinda like a non-porous sponge; soft, mushy and effectively useless. Switching on the computer again, this time with a new purpose. To finish viewing the latest downloads of an anime "Naruto". Great anime, plenty of action and even some tear-jerking scenes. About some ninja story that would kill you if I tried to elaborate. Fast-forwarding, 6.30 pm. Argh! I'm late for Esmond's birthday bbq! Hmm, then again, what's new?
To cut things short, the bbq was well done. Not many food choices, but good enough for me. Uh oh, guilt-trip. I can practically feel the oil and grease crawling around in my gut and on my face, mocking my impending arterial blockage and acne outbreak. Still, it was fun. The cake was good, had rum or brandy inside. Pretty strong stuff. Wonder if anyone got drunk from eating too much cake. Oh well. Happy birthday Esmond! Thought it was nice to leave a hearty salutation on his special day.
I'm spent. The urge(to write) has finally waned to nothingness. Now is the time to sleep. So I shall.
Yours (not)always,
At 6:26 PM,
fellymelly said…
haven spoken to u in ages. am glad ure still alive, thought this blog went dead after the first post.
anyway.. i love this entry! haha its funny! witty! so you! left me all amused after reading it. ure damn good la sq. haha i want to pinch you!!!!
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